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Unstyled Input

The InputUnstyled component provides users with a field to enter and edit text.


An input is a UI element that accepts text data from the user. The InputUnstyled component replaces the native HTML <input> tag, and can also be transformed into a <textarea> as needed.


  • ✨ Supports start and end adornments
  • 🚀 Can be transformed into a <textarea> using the multiline prop
  • ♿️ Automatically adds the appropriate ARIA roles



After installation, you can start building with this component using the following basic elements:

import InputUnstyled from '@mui/base/InputUnstyled';

export default function MyApp() {
  return <InputUnstyled />;


InputUnstyled behaves similarly to the native HTML <input>, except that it's nested inside of a root <div>—see Anatomy for details.

The following demo shows how to create and style an input component, including placeholder text:


The InputUnstyled component is composed of a root <div> slot that houses one interior <input> slot:

<div class="MuiInput-root">
  <input class="MuiInput-input" />

Slot props

Use the component prop to override the root slot with a custom element:

<InputUnstyled component="aside" />

Use the components prop to override any interior slots in addition to the root:

<InputUnstyled components={{ Root: 'aside' }} />

Use the componentsProps prop to pass custom props to internal slots. The following code snippet applies a CSS class called my-input to the input slot:

<InputUnstyled componentsProps={{ input: { className: 'my-input' } }} />


import { useInput } from '@mui/base/InputUnstyled';

The useInput hook lets you apply the functionality of InputUnstyled to a fully custom component. It returns props to be placed on the custom component, along with fields representing the component's internal state.

Hooks do not support slot props, but they do support customization props.

The demo below shows how to use the useInput hook to create a custom input component that receives all the necessary props:



You can use the startAdornment and endAdornment props to add a prefix, suffix, or an action to an input. Common use cases of adornments include:

  • when an input receives a specific unit of measure (like weight or currency)
  • when an icon button toggles hiding/showing a password

The following demo shows examples of both of these use cases:



The multiline prop transforms the <input> field into a <textarea> element, as shown below:

<CustomInput aria-label="Demo input" multiline placeholder="Type something…" />

If you want the <textarea> to grow with the content, you can use the TextareaAutosize component within the input.

When using TextareaAutosize, the height of the <textarea> element dynamically matches its content unless you set the rows prop. To set minimum and maximum sizes, add the minRows and maxRows props.

The following demo shows how to insert TextareaAutosize into InputUnstyled so that its height will grow with the length of the content:

<CustomInput aria-label="Demo input" multiline placeholder="Type something…" />